The Great Decision
INTRODUCTION: What are our thoughts? What do we think about? Is it earthly or Godly things?
What are we seeking? Things of this earth or heavenly
To get us to thinking the right thoughts and to stir our minds, Christ has given us this text to stir up our thinking.
I. THE CONTRAST (vv 19-20)
A. Earthly Riches
1. Materialism
a. They do not lay up heavenly things
b. They don't focus on heavenly things
2. It is easy to covet earthly things
a. Can be seen and handled, possessed
b. Most people seek them
c. Some are necessary
d. They are, the here and now
3. Earthly riches are corruptible
4. Earthly riches insecure
a. Stolen or eaten up
b. Do not last waste away
c. Can't take it with you
B. Heavenly Riches
1. Do lay up Heavenly riches
a. Why? Not perishable things
b. Seek that which gives
1.) Meaning to life
2.) Purpose to life
3.) Significance to life
c. That's what it is all about
2. Heavenly riches are incorruptible
a. Corruption can be escaped
1.) An inheritance waiting
a.) Incorruptible
b.) Undefiled
c.) Does not fade away
2.) Reserved for you and me
b. Every "whosoever" that has existed has or has had a potential to lay hold of that inheritance
C. Heavenly Riches Are Secure
1. Thieves cannot break through
2. They cannot penetrate the spiritual world of God.
a. No one can separate us from God.
A. Two Kinds of Hearts
1. The Good Heart
2. Just like a good eye
a. Gives entrance to the mind
b. What a man looks at
1.) He thinks about
2.) What he thinks about he becomes
3. His citizenship is in heaven
3. He seeks eternal treasures that are:
a. Incorruptible (v 20)
b. Secure (v 20)
c. Filling his whole body with light)
d. Showing him the true meaning of life (v 24)
e. Cause him to serve God (v 24)
f. Draw him nearer to God
B. The Bad Hearts
1. Just like a bad eye; not able
a. To focus upon the things of God
1.) Blind and in darkness
2.) So is the heart
2. Earth is his home, not Heaven
a. Seeks earthly treasures
1.) They age, die, waste away, deteriorate and decay
2.) Insecure
3.) Full of darkness
4.) Consume a person
5.) Despise and hate God
6.) Alienate others from God
III. A CHOICE (v 24)
A. Between Two Masters
1. Hate one; loves the other
a. When both call
1.) A choice must be made
a.) He will favor one
2. He either
a. Cleaves to one
b. Despises the other
B. Clear Choice
1. God or Material
a. Earth and it's treasures
b. God and His Treasures
2. Each person you and I know has made a commitment.
INTRODUCTION: Where Is Your Heart? Is it with earthly riches and wealth?
Is it with unproductive activity, with so much relaxation, and recreation which shows the world a wasteful life?
Do you have two masters? Have you fulfilled either? Are struggling making decisions in life?
Make a choice, either the God of Heaven and His Son Jesus, or Satan the ruler of this wicked earth.
You are the one that must make the decision. No one will do it for you. If you want a fulfilled life full of blessings, then discard the master who cannot promise you an eternal life in Heaven. Only God and His Son can offer you eternal bliss.
God promises us all our necessities of life and we need not question Where does it come from?
When I look at what we are at this Church, and I consider the finances, I have no idea How we manage to pay bills, but we do. I have never asked God, Where did it come from, I never asked because I know He put it into motion and He aid the bills. All from Him. In my on life God does for Sharil and I unimaginable blessings. All I know is that we as a couple trust In God and He makes possible those blessing, exactly the same with the church.
Have you made the choice for God? I pray that is so.
It is the Trinity, that secures us, God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.
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