Lessons From A Blind Man

Lessons From A Blind Man
John 9

This man couldn’t see Jesus, but Jesus saw him. Even though this man was helpless, Jesus knew where he was. Jesus had to work on this guy in several areas to bring him to the point of salvation. He used some unusual circumstances to bring him to his knowledge of his sinful condition. His eyesight was not his worst problem; he needed to be saved. Let’s look at this man’s journey from blind beggar to a bowing believer.

I. The Reason for his Condition (vs. 1-5)

-A. Not for his sin
-B. Not for his parent’s sin
-C. For God to be manifested in him

II. The Routine for his Cleansing (vs. 6-7)

-A. Unconventional Operation
--1. Socially Unconventional (spittle)
--2. Scientifically Unconventional (dirt in eyes)
--3. Sensibly Unconventional (he made matters worse)

-B. Undisputed Obedience (and he went his way therefore, and washed)
-C. Undeniable Outcome (and came seeing)

III. The Reaction of the Crowd

-A. The Neighbors’ Confusion
-B. The Notice of his Condition
-C. The New Curiosity (how were thine eyes opened?)

IV. The Reasoning of the Council

-A. The Delivery (vs. 13)
-B. The Denial (vs. 16 a)
-C. The Division (vs. 16d)
-D. The Doubt (vs. 18-19)
-E. The Dilemma (vs. 22)

V. The Response of the Cured Man

-A. His Ignorance Concerning the Christ (vs. 25) An experience without the expertise!
-B. His Insistence Concerning his Condition (vs.25)
-C. His Interrogation Concerning the Cure (vs. 26)
-D. His Implication Concerning the Charge (vs. 30-33)

VI. The Redemption of the Castaway vs.35-38

-A. His Sinful Conditions (vs.34)
-B. His Search for the Christ
-C. His Salvation Complete (vs.38a)
-D. His Sincere Conclusion (and he worshipped him)

VII. The Remarks of the Christ

-A. His Dual Purpose (vs. 39)
--1. To Heal (that they which see not might see)
--2. To Hinder (they which see might be made blind)

-B. His Disappointing Pronouncement (vs. 41)
--1. Concerning Their Sight
--2. Concerning Their Sin

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